Nextcloud transition

January 2025

Between Christmas and new year, I decided to move my Nextcloud server to new hardware. The RaspberryPi-Octopus with his many external USB hard drive - tentacles was in use long enough, and it was time to upgrade.

From Docker Compose to TrueNAS

I installed TrueNAS on the new machine. The hardware setup is roughly this:

I set up storage accordingly and installed the Nextcloud app. All of this was pretty straight forward. I also activated the ssh service.

Now I wanted to transfer the data from the old installation. This was a bit more complicated than I thought:

  1. Copy the files in /data/ from the old to the new installation
  2. Convert the database from mysql to postgres (mysql is recommended in the nextcloud documentation, but postgres is used by the TrueNAS app)
  3. Make a backup of the database
  4. Restore the database backup on the new installation
  5. Get certificates

Copying the data

This is fairly straight forward:

rsync -Aaxt ./old_data truenas_admin@truenas:/path/to/new/data

I would advise to run this in tmux, so it can run in the background. I decided to not copy the whole config file. Instead, I just copied the passwordsalt and secret values.

Converting the database

I created a new database using docker and exposed the port to the host.

docker pull postgres
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Now, there are two ways I found to move the data:

  1. Using occ db:convert-type. This was command was currently broken and disabled by the devs. Basically create a docker network, connect the db and nextcloud app containers to that network and run the command.
  2. Using pgloader, as explained below.

In the postgres shell, I created the database for nextcloud with the same username and credentials as used in the TrueNAS app.

CREATE USER nextclouduser WITH PASSWORD 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nextcloud TO nextclouduser;
ALTER DATABASE nextcloud OWNER TO nextcloud;

I then put nextcloud into maintenance mode and finally moved the data from the mysql database to postgres:

# activate maintenance mode
docker exec -t --user www-data nextcloud-docker-app-1 php occ maintenance:mode --on
# copy the data from mysql to postgres
pgloader mysql://nextcloud:password@localhost/nextcloud postgresql://nextcloud:password@localhost/nextcloud

Backup the database

Make a backup of the postgres database and copy it to the TrueNAS machine.

# dont use -f, since that will create a file inside the container
pg_dump nextcloud -h localhost -U nextcloud > backup.bak
rsync ./backup.bak truenas_admin@truenas:/mnt/path/NextcloudPostgres/backup.bak

Now on the TrueNAS system, change the owner of the db dump:

chown netdata:docker backup.bak

Finally, restore the backup. Put nextcloud on TrueNAS into maintenance mode, then connect to the postgres shell and run:

psql -h localhost -U nextcloud -d template1 -c "DROP DATABASE \"nextcloud\";"
psql -h localhost -U nextcloud -d template1 -c "CREATE DATABASE \"nextcloud\";"
psql -h localhost -U nextcloud -d nextcloud -f backup.bak

The tables inside the container needed some ownership changes, which I did with a script generated by ChatGPT.

Getting new certificates

I registered my domain at Porkbun, so I needed a 3rd party script in order to request a certificate using the TrueNAS UI. However, this script didn’t work, as the path to the script had spaces inside. After I found that out, I successfully got a certificate and selected that in the Nextcloud app.

I then install the nginx proxy manager app and set up my domains. I changed the ports of the TrueNAS webui to something else and exposed nginx on 80 and 443. Now I needed certificates in nginx. I added my domain to the hosts file for that (inside the nginx app):

echo "192.168.0.x" >> /etc/hosts

Finally done!